

Galaktyczna is not just tranquility and greenery, it is also an excellent location. The dynamic development of the area will provide extensive retail and service facilities and access to educational institutions, creating a cohesive and functional space to live in. In the immediate vicinity there will be numerous stores, supermarkets and a shopping center. Future residents will enjoy the proximity of places that help with daily chores, giving them more time to rest and relax in the comfort of their own homes. 

See the map


Galaktyczna is not just tranquility and greenery, it is also an excellent location. The dynamic development of the area will provide extensive retail and service facilities and access to educational institutions, creating a cohesive and functional space to live in. In the immediate vicinity there will be numerous stores, supermarkets and a shopping center. Future residents will enjoy the proximity of places that help with daily chores, giving them more time to rest and relax in the comfort of their own homes. 

See the map
Ozdobnik sekcji

A good start
to any journey

Easy access to the Tri-City Bypass will open up a range of possibilities – from efficient travel around the Tri-City to weekend trips to the nearby Kashubia region. Living in this location, you will certainly appreciate the easy access to Gdańsk city center, as well as to other corners of the agglomeration, at the same time enjoying a quiet neighborhood. Whether your goal is to travel to the other end of the city or beyond, ATAL Galaktyczna will give you unparalleled ease of travel, shortening the distance between home and the key points on the map of your life.

Wszystko, czego

w zasięgu ręki

Przyszłe osiedle przy ulicy Galaktycznej to nie tylko doskonałe połączenie komunikacyjne, ale również bogate zaplecze usługowe. W najbliższym otoczeniu znajdziesz wszystko, czego potrzebujesz do codziennego życia: sklepy, supermarkety, centra handlowe, a także placówki edukacyjne – od przedszkoli po szkoły wyższe. Mieszkańcy cieszyć się będą bliskością miejsc, które ułatwiają codzienne obowiązki, zapewniając więcej czasu na relaks i odpoczynek w komfortowych warunkach własnego domu.

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The information contained on this website does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code, but is for information purposes only. These visualizations are for illustrative purposes only. The appearance of the buildings and land development may slightly differ at the stage of investment implementation. The essential features of the service and the buildings' functionality will not change.
The deadlines provided are of an infomative nature only and are subject to change. Binding deadlines will be included in the customer contract.

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